About Us/How We Met

The King and Queen

A Little About Whitney by Sam
Whitney is the most beautiful person, both inside and out, that I know.  She loves to read, play games, watch movies (especially old James Bonds...my favorite), play tennis, ski, hit golf balls, and go to the beach among many other things.  She is kind, caring, nurturing, fun, funny, intelligent, athletic (she even beat me the first time we played tennis...but we all know that won't happen again), and very stubborn but not too often....  She can be light hearted, when humor is needed, and serious, especially when I am out of line, but she can also be just plain wacky and fun (which is my favorite side of her wonderfully diverse personality).  Whitney can also be the exact kind of do-gooder I need when I tend to bend those oh-so-stiff and outdated rules......She is perfectly happy to kick back and relax or hit the town with me and go dancing.  So in other words she is the absolute perfect girl for me!

A Little About Sam by Whitney

This is a perfect depiction of how we felt when we finally got together 

Two Stories about How We Met 
Sam's Version
Whitney would tell you that we actually met through a mutual friend at the Teva party during the outdoor retailers show in February 2010. While this is the first place she remembers meeting me, the truth is that we first met one month earlier at a nothing short of memorable concert in Park City, UT. It seems that Whitney was just so enamored with me that she doesn't even remember this happening.....

After entering that fateful concert I immediately noticed a group of attractive girls who were huddling together near the rear of the venue. Seeing a stunningly gorgeous tall brunette among them I decided that somehow I had to meet her that night. It just so happened that luck was on my side when I noticed that one of her friends there that night was someone I had met during college a few years earlier. That was my "in" and I was all over it. I immediately went over to say hi and introduce myself. Unfortunately for me Whitney had her pretty little head buried in her cell phone and hardly even looked up to acknowledge I was alive. Shafted! I guess after one too many redbulls I was delusional in thinking that she would even give me the time of day. More than a little disappointed I left that night not knowing if I would ever see her again.

One month later good luck struck again when I was fortunate enough to run into her at that famous Teva party. Only this time I received a slightly larger portion of her attention. Although I had come to the party with our mutual friend my attention was, at least for a few moments, completely focused on this beautiful girl standing in front of me. We talked only briefly but I felt that there was something unique about this one. Then and there I made up my mind that we would go out at some point. I didn't know when or how, but I just knew we would. Or maybe because she was way out of my league "desperately wished" would be a better way to put it.

Shortly thereafter I made some early forays and tested her receptiveness toward "hanging out." I tried playing the Virginia background card, and then the who do you know card, but nothing really worked. The timing still wasn't quite right but I knew there was something about this Virginia born girl. Over the next several months we ran into each other from time to time. During those moments she would flirt and I would ignore her, then I would flirt and she would ignore me (most often the case), but it still wasn't the right time. Finally after a couple solid facebook chats and some shamelessly cheesy charm on my part we got together around Halloween....Phew finally!

From then on we became more or less inseparable. By thanksgiving I knew that our relationship was going somewhere different and it wasn't long before I discovered that I had found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with!

Whitney's Version
Sam is the obvious better story teller, but I will do my best to tell you what really happened! Sam will tell you that our story started with a brief encounter at a concert in Park City. The only factual part of the story was that it was just that, a very brief encounter!! I admit I did have my head buried into my cell phone, but the extent of our introduction was a simple, "Sam, this is Whitney. Whitney, Sam". End of that story.

Our official "getting to know you" happened at the Teva party concert during the Outdoor Retailers Show in February of 2010. We had a mutual friend who re-introduced us, officially. Even with dim lighting, crazy concert people, loud music, and Sam on a date with one of my friends, I knew there was something about this guy in the plaid that I liked and wanted to get to know. I even admitted to my girlfriend that he was ridiculously good looking and that I was jealous of our friends good dating fortune. I sound like such a terrible friend! I'm sorry Caroline! I knew that night that this sweet guy from Arlington VA was someone that I was interested in dating.

I would like to take a moment and thank our dear friends at Facebook for making this relationship possible. With out all you hard working network geniuses, Sam and I would have taken a lot longer to eventually find each other! Sam tracked me down on Facebook, and the conversations began. Timing, although, was not in our favor. We maintained small conversations off and on but I never quite gave in to where I thought those conversations might lead, like giving up my phone number over Facebook. I have no idea, looking back, what I was thinking!

Concerts have quite a theme in our relationship! The next time that Sam and I saw each other was at a concert in July 2010. He claims that I was way more into the conversation and flirty with him, but I maintain that it was a steady 50-50 from both parties. Our Facebook conversations picked up from then on. Even though timing wasn't right, I knew that I wanted to eventually date this guy who kept popping in and out of my life.

Sam and I started seriously talking in the fall of 2010. He wore me down with his silly comments and ridiculous charm. I eventually broke down and gave him my number. After the crazy end of October and a wild Halloween we decided that it was time we go out on an actual DATE!

Sam and I made the big mistake of inviting friends to come with us on our first date. While I love both of them dearly, there is a time and place for group dates and the first date isn't one of them!! While Sam and I had chemistry immediately, we juggled getting to know each other with making sure that our friends were having a good time. We both were worried at the end of the night that we had blown the date. I think Sam would agree that the best part of the date was when we were finally alone. We ended up talking for an hour and a half in my driveway until he finally invited himself in.

My best friend Margot will tell you that she knew I fell in love with Sam on the first date. She was shocked to hear Sam tease about us getting married and talk about moving back to Virginia over dinner on our first date, but more shocked when I called her when the date was over. When she answered the phone I plainly said, "Yep, I'm going to marry Sam, and thats that." She immediately thought that I had been abducted by aliens who had taken me and replaced me with a look-a-like, because prior to dating Sam, that type of talk had never, and would never, come out of my mouth. It became pretty clear after Sam and I had our first one-on-one date though. I knew, and she knew, that no matter how outlandish the idea was of marrying someone after one date, I was going to do just that.

All it took was that one date and I knew that come hell or high water I was not going to let Sam go back to Virginia without me. His first date ideas about us getting married was exactly what was supposed to happen!! I haven't been more happy, more in love, or more excited to be with someone, and I can't wait to be married to him. I am the luckiest girl, ever!